Uju Peace Okeke
2 min readJan 9, 2024


When I Grow Up…Careers, Professions, Skills & More

It is a new year and plans are underway on how to make it more fulfilling.

Are we excluding our children and wards in these strategies by denying them of rich resources that will enhance their lives?

For a good today and greater tomorrow, we must expose them to right influences. This Pictorial Career Dictionary has proven to be life changing for children, read them.

· It Contains about 500 Careers/ Professions/Skills arranged alphabetically

· Each alphabet begins with a quote on education

· Contains a dictionary section

· It has an affirmation page for a productive life

· It captures reasons for investing in education

· Highlights Treaties providing for right to education

Who will this Pictorial Career Dictionary benefit?

v The child who has to dream, saving her/him needless tears and regrets in what should be pleasant but adventurous journey

v Parents/Guardians who must allow children be uniquely themselves so as to take full advantage of their potentials.

v Teachers especially Guidance and Counselors

v Adult who is in search of a more fulfilling career

v Adult who is already working but needs ideas on how to be more creative

v Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of education and other educational institutions in order to enlighten applicants on expanded choices for courses of interest.

v Law/Policy makers who must provide excellent environment for the achievement of these dreams.

v Nation builders who must invest in the life of children in global world of today, setting them on a level playing field of contemporary modernity

v Mentors who need it as an eye opener in guiding the up-coming professionals, removing the barriers to success.

v Leaders of tomorrow who will identify their true callings without the trial and error system which bedeviled many in the past.



Uju Peace Okeke

I am a Human Rights activist, lawyer, administrator, gender/reproductive and sexual health expert, researcher, professional negotiator & mediator and Notary Pub